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Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

I'm Back

Helooo! Kayanya udah lama nih ga cangcingcong di blog lagi hehehe *bersihinsaranglabalaba* Oke, blog ini udah rada ga ke urus gara-gara gue sibuk uji mantap dan ujian akhir semester -_-

Tapi tenang aja, gue udah selesai ujian kok :') 
Nah sekarang, yang pada kangen sama gueeeee mana suaranyaaa??!!

*Krik krik krik...  Oke fine, gapapa kalo pada ga kangen :')

Sebelumnya gue mau ngasih tau, gue yakin isi postingan ini pasti bakal rada ga nyambung sama judulnya =)) wkwk

Daripada makin ngelantur, sekarang gue mau curhat aja deh..

Pas uji mantap pertama (semacam latihan buat persiapan Ujian Nasional)  gue bener-bener ga belajar, sebenernya bukannya gue gamau dapet nilai bagus... tapi...mmm... tapi...  gue bingung gimana caranya gue bisa ngehafalin seluruh pelajaran kelas 7 dan 8  dalam waktu seminggu?? #Oke, gue tau ini alibi banget..

Yaaa... intinya gue males deh, tapi mau gimana lagi, terpaksa deh gue bongkar gudang nyari buku kelas 7 sama 8. Seharian gue bongkar gudang daaaan... akhirnya gue berhasil dapet puluhan buku dan ratusan lembar kertas ulangan gue dulu.

Pas liat tumpukan buku sama kertas-kertas ulangan itu, gue langsung semangat belajar luar biasa , gak tau kenapa... Saking semangatnya gue sortir deh semua kertasnya sampe tinggal yang penting-penting dan sesuai sama kisi-kisi uji mantap.

Tapiiiiiiiiii.......... pas semuanya udah kesortir, tiba-tiba semangat belajar gue menghilang ._. dan gue malah nonton TV -______________-

Nah, pas sehari sebelum uji mantap... entah ada malaikat dari mana yang mengingatkan gue buat belajar, akhirnya gue belajar dengan SKB  (Sistem Kebut Semalam) *Janganditiruya..

Dan besoknya, gue komat-kamit sebelum ujian, gue ga berhenti-berhenti baca Al-fatihah dan segala macam doa karena gue ga yakin sama kemampuan gue. Gue belum belajar dengan maksimal daaan... Oke, gue cukup nyesel. Tapi... alhamdulillah yaah.. gue bisa ngerjain soal ujiannya dengan cukup baik, begitu juga seterusnya. Peringkat gue juga lumayan..*Benarbenarkeajaibandoa..

Dan sekarang gue baru mikir, kenapa gue gak belajar dari jauh-jauh hari? -___- Padahal gue harusnya bisa lebih baik, makanya do'ain gue ya semoga uji mantap kedua gue bisa lebih baik =))

Oh iyaa.. tapi ga cuma dengan berdo'a doang loh yaa, usaha juga salah satu yang paling PENTING! Jadi buat temen-temen yang lagi mendekati ulangan harian apalagi ujian, kalo mau sukses ya harus mulai memperbaiki cara belajar dan yang paling utama shalatnya jangan bolong-bolong yaaaa :)

Nah, udah ah curhatnya..  Lah ini kenapa juga ngomongnya jadi 'gue gue-an' -____- Biarin deh sesekali wkwk

Ketemu di posting selanjutnyaa aja deh yaaaaa! Keep open this blog yap! 

Meisha Athaya

Senin, 07 November 2011

Everyday I'm Shufflin'!

Heellooo semuaa! Ayo mana yang lagi kecanduan shufflin' tangan di ataaas (/‾‾)/ !!! Kebetulan aku juga lagi hobi shufflin' nih sama temen-temen sekolah. Party Rock Anthem-nya LMFAO di iringi dengan shufflin' ria emang udah paling cucok buat ngilangin galau ;;) ya gaa?

Nah makanya buat temen-temen yang lagi pada galau di putusin pacar, yang PDKT gak jadi-jadi, buat yang abis di duain pacar, dan buat yang LDR tapi belom ketemuan juga (penggalauan massal) mending kita shufflin' bareng-bareng, di jamin galau sirna deh =)) Yang galaunya gak sirna mmm... *cari solusi sendiri aja deh ya hehe

Apasih shufflin' itu? Okey sebenernya shufflin' itu semacam dance (emang dance-_-) yang memiliki pacuan di kaki. Nah kalau masih bingung sama shufflin' tinggal cekidot aja video di bawah ini ┌(_o_)┐ 

LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem

Everyday I'm shufflin'!
Okeeey udah liat kan videonyaa? Udah pada bisa shufflin' dong! Buat yang belum bisa juga (ngenes-_-) tapi pingin banget bisa, jangan putus asa dulu, 
kuncinya cuma pada kaki kalian sendiri kok ;)
Tinggal ikutin aja irama sama ketukan lagunya.


Setelah baca ini bisa langsung di praktekin kok hehehe. Tapi buat yang belum mahir jangan terlalu hyper ya shufflin'nya , yang ada bukannya bisa malah keseleo deh kakinya (˘_˘")

Segini dulu aja deh yaaa tentang shufflin'nya.  
Selamat ber shufflin' ria ~(‾‾~) (~‾‾)~  
See you in next posting yaaap (O̴̴̴̴̯͡ .̮ O̴̴̴̴̯͡)  

Meisha Athaya
  (O̷̴̷̴̐O̷̴̷̴̐) *Kiss*

Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Maroon 5 !

Heeey ketemu lagiiiii! Nah sekarang aku mau posting tentang musik nih ;)
Maroon 5 ! Okey, lagi suka banget sama yang namanya Maroon 5 Hehehe. Dari lagu terbarunya sampe lagu jadulnya juga aku dengerin, Tau Maroon 5 kaaan? Pasti. Nah buat yang belum tau , lets cekidot! Pasti bakal suka ;)

About Maroon 5 :

Maroon 5 is an American pop rock band from Los Angeles, California. While they were in high school, lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist Adam Levine, keyboardist Jesse Carmichael, bass guitarist Mickey Madden, and drummer Ryan Dusick formed a garage band called Kara's Flowers and released one album in 1997. After a brief period they re-formed with guitarist James Valentine, and pursued a new direction as Maroon 5. The following year they released their debut album Songs About Jane, which contained four hit singles: "Harder to Breathe", "This Love", "She Will Be Loved" and "Sunday Morning"; it also enjoyed major chart success, going gold, platinum, and triple platinum in many countries around the world!!!

In support of Songs About Jane, Maroon 5 toured extensively throughout 2003–2005, during which time two live albums were released. The band won the Grammy Award for Best New Artist in 2005. Dusick left the band in September 2006, citing injuries sustained by constant touring, and was replaced by Matt Flynn. Maroon 5's second studio album It Won't Be Soon Before Long was released in 2007, with the singles "Makes Me Wonder", "Won't Go Home Without You" and "Wake Up Call". The band performed live in two tours between June and November 2007, during which time a compilation of previously unreleased songs, The B-Side Collection, was released.

Two more live albums and a remix album were issued in 2008. Maroon 5's third studio album Hands All Over was released in the United States on September 21, 2010. Since debuting in 2002, the band has sold over 10 million albums in the United States and nearly 15 million worldwide, cool right?

Nah buat lebih jelasnya, ini member Maroon 5 :

     Adam Levine
    lead vocals, rhythm guitar (1994–present)

    Jesse Carmichael
    keyboards, rhythm guitar, backing vocals (1994–present)

     Mickey Madden
    bass guitar (1994–present)

      James Valentine
    lead guitar, backing vocals (2001–present)

     Matt Flynn
    drums, percussion (2006–present)


    Kalau ini tentang album terbarunya Maroon 5 "Hands All Over"
    Hands All Over (2010–present)

    Maroon 5's third studio album was recorded in 2009 in Switzerland, where the band were joined by record producer Robert "Mutt". The album, titled Hands All Over was released on September 21, 2010. The album's first single, "Misery", was released on June 22, 2010. Maroon 5 will tour with train for the summer of 2011, from July 22 to September 24. Christina Aguilera is featured on Maroon 5's new single "Moves Like Jagger". It premiered live on The Voice June 21, 2011 and reached the number one position on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in September 2011!

    But I think best song from Maroon 5 are : Moves Like Jagger, Never Gonna Leave This Bed, and This Love.
    Nah udah cukup jelas kan, buat yang mau tau lebih banyak, visit aja  Official website nya Maroon 5!

    Udah baca tentang Maroon 5 belum lengkap nih kalo belum dengerin dan liat beberapa Video Clipnya Maroon 5. Kalo gitu, silahkan liat ke bawah!   

    Jeng jeng...........

     Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera


    Never Gonna Leave This Bed - Maroon 5

    Okey cukup segini aja ya tentang Maroon 5 nyaaa ! Maaf kalau ada kesalahan informasi, bisa langsung comment aja dan segera aku edit ;)

     Meisha Athaya
    (O̷̴̷̴̐O̷̴̷̴̐) *Kiss*

    Sumber dan Foto dari : Google.

    Jumat, 04 November 2011

    All About Me, You, Us!

    Hey! I dedicate this post to all my BEST FRIENDS. First of all, I'll say thank you because they always care and supports me when I'm down, always there for me when I need help. And smile when I'm happy.

    Ini cuma sebuah postingan kecil buat sahabat-sahabat aku yang berhati besar (зˇˇε) Thankies ya buat semuanya!

    Yang pertama, buat sahabat aku yang paling 'muslimin' =)) *muslimin ga yaa..*  tapi juga yang paling cerewet. Igretia Diffa A.Q. Biasanya di panggil Ige, salah satu sahabat aku yang paling sabar menghadapi kelakuan aku yang super jail, Ige juga teman sebangku aku yang paling asyik buat di ajak ngobrol hehe :)


     Nah sekarang sahabat aku yang paling sering ngajak berantem щ(ºДºщ)  Tapi juga sahabat aku yang paling asyik. Regina Andrilla S. Biasanya di panggil Bujin. Kocak, rame, emosional, keras kepala, dan banyak lagi. Bisa di bilang, dia alasan yang bikin persahabatan kita jadi lebih rame *uhuk* (˘.̮˘)ε˘`)  

    Sekarang... Mmm.. Djody Faza! Eits.. Djody ga yaa.. Hehehe. Nah anak yang satu ini cueeek banget, orangnya kalem. Tapi kalau dia udah ngedengerin Bujin ngelucu, susah berhenti deh ketawanya. Cowok  kalem ini emang paling cocok dapet gelar Mr. Galau ~(‾‾~) (~‾‾)~ *galau teroo000oos*  dan dia ini paling bisa yg namanya nyembunyiin rasa kesel dengan cara "Ya gapapasih.. mm.. cuma yaa..." *kalimat khas Djodeey* 

    Next! Misis Kompiang \(‾‾\)┌(_o_)┐ (/‾‾)/  *Horee!* Lebih tepatnya Sang Ayu K.R.D.A hehe, nah kalo yang satu ini masih anak bawang, masih baru gabung jadi sahabat kita, makanya paling sering di jailin ƪ(˘˘")ʃ  wkwkwk *masih di ospek gitu deh~* Ayu ini sahabat kita yang paling sensitif daaan.. mmm... GALAK -_- tapi orangnya konsisten dan tegas *uhuk*                   



    Nah ini nih yang emang dasarnya tomboy, lucu, menghibur , riweuh lagi! *lirik ¬-̮¬  Aisyah Shabrina*  Panggilannya Wowo kalo engga Icyah :) Anaknya rajin banget, ga pernah bolos dari ranking 1 -_- Sahabat kita yang paling gampang panik "Aduh, nanti kalo ada guru gimana!" *Kalimat so rajin ala Icyah* =))


    Nah yang aku sebut di atas, cuma sebagian dari sahabat-sahabat yang lainnya, maaf yaa yang aku gak sebutin di atas. Foto-foto aku dan sahabat-sahabatku  bakal aku tampilin di bawah ini hihi┌(_o_)┐  

    Meisha , Regina, Djody, Sang Ayu, Igretia, Khrisna.

    Meisha, Aisyah, Igretia, Regina

     Nah di atas tadi (/‾‾)/ cuma sebagian kecil dari ke narsisan-narsisan kami. Semoga kami bisa terus bersahabat sampe tua nanti Amiiiiiin`ʃƪ)  

    *Maaf yang nama dan fotonya belum terlampir yaa, yang penting kita tetep bersahabat ;) *

    - Sahabat membuat kita bertahan, maka pertahankanlah sebuah persahabatan-  

    Meisha Athaya 
                                                                                                                                                    (O̷̴̷̴̐O̷̴̷̴̐) *Kiss* 

    Kamis, 03 November 2011

    Every Girl's Dream (´⌣`ʃƪ)♥

    Cewek itu identik mempunyai sifat yang sensitif dan emosional, lebih banyak membawa perasaan dalam mengatasi atau menghadapi suatu 'problem'. Ini adalah beberapa hal yang paling di inginkan cewek-cewek *lebih tepatnya, impian yang paling sering mereka ucapkan hihi (O̴̴̴̴̯͡ .̮ O̴̴̴̴̯͡)* Disini aku cuma akan membahas 7 impian dari milyaran impian cewek, Lets See!

    1) Getting kissed in the pouring rain - And then developing pneumonia because you were too stupid to use an umbrella.

    *Nah kalo yang ini kayanya udah ga asing lagi di indra pendengaran kita, banyak banget cewek yang berharap ini terjadi padanya. Hmm.. sebenarnya ini impian yang cukup aneh loh, malah bikin flu menyerang, tapi kata para cewek sih ini "So Sweet" hihi.

     2) Perfect boyfriend - Who always understand you and treat you sweet, but the truth your boyfriend isn't like that-_-.

    *Perfect boyfriend? Jarang sih ya ada cowok yang emang sempurna luar dalam. Nah itulah cinta, melengkapi. Nobody perfect, tp kita bisa bikin semuanya jadi perfect dengan saling melengkapi *uhuk*

    3) Go to Paris! - Paris is a dream place for every girl. With  luxurious lifestyle and a amazing atmosphere; people,food,environtment,etc

    * Pariiis? Siapa sih yang gamau ke sana! Itu emang tempat yang paling di dambakan cewek-cewek, dengan fashion yang mewah, suasana yang romantic dan orang-orangnya yang sangat berkelas!

      4) Beauty outside, Beauty inside - has a beautiful face and has an interesting personality.

    *Cantik? cewek mana sih yang gak mau cantik, apalagi cantik luar dalam. Memiliki paras yang cantik adalah sebuah anugrah  dan memiliki kepribadian menarik dan lembut adalah sebuah keharusan ;)

     5) Cute Private Room - Design your own dream room. Have the cuties private room is one of million girl's dream. It makes girl feels more comfortable to spend her time in that room. 

    *Private Room! Yap, ini bukan private room biasa loh, tapi.... private room rancangan kita sendiri! Jadi kita bisa lebih nyaman di ruangan itu, dan pasti bakal betah berlama-lama disitu. Hehehe.


     6) Perfect BestFriends - Who always beside you and proud being your best friend. Always understand you, hug you when you want to cry, laugh when you're happy and hold your hand when you're down.

    *Gak hanya cewek yang butuh sahabat seperti ini , bahkan semua orang. Tapi ini juga salah satu impian terbaik cewek-cewek loh. Dan justru ini adalah salah satu impian yang paling sulit untuk di dapet looh , ya gaa... :))  

    7) Become A Princess Like In A Fairy Tale - with a perfect and eternal life. Accompanied by a handsome prince riding a white horse. 

    *Impian yang paling umum di kalangan remaja cewek, jadi seorang putri di negeri dongeng memang kelihatan perfect, apalagi di temani pangeran tampan berkuda putih, But, realize ! Normal life as we are now, far more fun than in a fairy tale. Just enjoy your life and everything will seems more perfect than in a fairy tale (◠‿◠✿

    Okeey kita udah bahas sebagian kecil dari milyaran mimpi (impian) cewek-cewek . Nah tapi jangan salah tanggap dulu dengan kata 'impian' atau 'mimpi'.

    Bermimpi bukan berarti lemah, bermimpi berarti terpacu untuk menjadi lebih baik. 
    So, girls keep dreaming and makes your dreams come true ! 

    Meisha Athaya
      (O̷̴̷̴̐O̷̴̷̴̐) *Kiss*



    Apasih Homepage, Webpage, Website dan Hyperlink itu ? Okey, buat yang belum tau, tengok ke bawah ini┌(_o_)┐


    A home page or homepage has various related meanings to do with web sites:

    • It most often refers to the initial or main web page of a web site, sometimes called the front page (by analogy with newspapers).
    • The web page or local file that automatically loads when a web browser starts or when the browser's "home" button is pressed; this is also called a start page. The user can specify the URL of the page to be loaded, or alternatively choose e.g. to re-load the most recent web page browsed.
    • A personal web page, for example at a web hosting service or a university web site, that typically is stored in the home directory of the user.
    • In the 1990s the term was also used to refer to a whole web site, particularly a personal web site (perhaps because simple web sites often consisted of just one web page).

    About homepages

    • Homepages contain the main information about a website.
    • They contain links to other parts of the website.
    • Many websites consist of only the homepage, such as one page blogs.
    • Most often a homepage will appear when the websites URL is put into a browser without any trialing slash after the TLD extension. E.G. "http://www.example.com\ 

       2.) Webpage 

               A web page or webpage is a document or information resource that is suitable for the World Wide Web and can be accessed through a web browser and displayed on a monitor or mobile device. This information is usually in HTML or XHTML format, and may provide navigation to other web pages via hypertext links. Web pages frequently subsume other resources such as style sheets, scripts and images into their final presentation.

              Web pages may be retrieved from a local computer or from a remote web server. The web server may restrict access only to a private network, e.g. a corporate intranet, or it may publish pages on the World Wide Web. Web pages are requested and served from web servers using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

             Web pages may consist of files of static text and other content stored within the web server's file system (static web pages), or may be constructed by server-side software when they are requested (dynamic web pages). Client-side scripting can make web pages more responsive to user input once on the client browser.

      3.) Website 

             A website, also written as Web site, web site, or simply site,is a collection of related web pages containing images, videos or other digital assets. A website is hosted on at least one web server, accessible via a network such as the Internet or a private local area network through an Internet address known as a Uniform Resource Locator. All publicly accessible websites collectively constitute the World Wide Web.

      A web page is a document, typically written in plain text interspersed with formatting instructions of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML, XHTML). A web page may incorporate elements from other websites with suitable markup anchors.

             Web pages are accessed and transported with the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which may optionally employ encryption (HTTP Secure, HTTPS) to provide security and privacy for the user of the web page content. The user's application, often a web browser, renders the page content according to its HTML markup instructions onto a display terminal.

             The pages of a website can usually be accessed from a simple Uniform Resource Locator (URL) called the homepage. The URLs of the pages organize them into a hierarchy, although hyperlinking between them conveys the reader's perceived site structure and guides the reader's navigation of the site.

             Some websites require a subscription to access some or all of their content. Examples of subscription websites include many business sites, parts of news websites, academic journal websites, gaming websites, file-sharing websites, message boards, web-based email, social networking websites, websites providing real-time stock market data, and websites providing various other services (e.g., websites offering storing and/or sharing of images, files and so forth).

      4.) Hyperlink

             In computing, a hyperlink (or link) is a reference to data that the reader can directly follow, or that is followed automatically. A hyperlink points to a whole document or to a specific element within a document. Hypertext is text with hyperlinks. A software system for viewing and creating hypertext is a hypertext system, and to create a hyperlink is to hyperlink (or simply to link). A user following hyperlinks is said to navigate or browse the hypertext.

             A hyperlink has an anchor, which is the location within a document from which the hyperlink can be followed; the document containing a hyperlink is known as its source document. to webpages. For example, in an online reference work such as Wikipedia, many words and terms in the text are hyperlinked to definitions of those terms. Hyperlinks are often used to implement reference mechanisms, such as tables of contents, footnotes, bibliographies, indexes, letters and glossaries.

            In some hypertext, hyperlinks can be bidirectional: they can be followed in two directions, so both ends act as anchors and as targets. More complex arrangements exist, such as many-to-many links.

      The effect of following a hyperlink may vary with the hypertext system and may sometimes depend on the link itself; for instance, on the World Wide Web, most hyperlinks cause the target document to replace the document being displayed, but some are marked to cause the target document to open in a new window. Another possibility is transclusion, for which the link target is a document fragment that replaces the link anchor within the source document. Not only persons browsing the document follow hyperlinks; they may also be followed automatically by programs. A program that traverses the hypertext, following each hyperlink and gathering all the retrieved documents is known as a Web spider or crawling.


      Nah udah tau kan apa itu Homepage, Webpage, Website , dan Hyperlink. Okey, segini dulu ya informasinya, lanjut di posting selanjutnyaaa !

      Source : Wikipedia                                                                                           Meisha Athaya (O̷̴̷̴̐O̷̴̷̴̐) *Kiss*